My self-healing experience might happen to be
the grip you need
Here are what I thought about my life:
"Know thyself" feels impossible.
"Love yourself" sounds pretencious.
"Heal yourself" seems a weary long way.
I have come a long way from the wasteland to a greenland. Here I share with you the healing perspectives that helped me (and still are helping me) on re-connecting with my true desire, my soul gift, and the world that is full of love.
I believe people are born to be free, not freed. It is our vision for life that every soul could bloom freely, and their unique beauty to be appreciated by the world. It is NOT my purpose to be the fixer of your life. Instead, I wish to give back your own power by showing you how remarkable your inner wisdom is and how fearless and creative your true self is; and share with you how I found my way back to these sides of myself.
If you are drawned to me, you are very welcome to write to me via the messege box below. It is my pleasure to walk with you and offer what I know for your best benefit. I bow to the divinity of your being.
Breath to Reset and be Set Free
透過與您的守護靈合作,連結您的 #阿卡西紀錄 後以貼近靈魂的客製化引導詞,結合正念催眠引導技巧,陪伴您進行深層的呼吸及靜心。釋放背負的壓力及佔據頻寬的雜音後,讓您找回安靜、空白、完整的內心空間,相信擁有清晰身心能量的你帶領自己走向光明。
二選一:充電呼吸 30分鐘 $555 /悠長呼吸 60分鐘 $1111
若只是想體驗者或者希望少量多次者,推薦選擇 充電呼吸,會依您狀況聚焦在特定部位的放鬆與釋壓。
至於悠長呼吸 會更深入完整得引領您掃描身心狀態,放鬆全身各部位的壓力,讓身心靈各層次以有餘裕的步調安放在寧靜中,不論有無靜心經驗者都可以進入。 -
Take a Walk and Talk with your Guardians
彷彿在你的靈魂花園中輕鬆散步探索,透過與你的守護靈合作,為你傳遞你的 #阿卡西紀錄 的光流療癒,並帶著愛回應你詢問的狀況,讓你以全面的觀點,找回在當下生活裡輕鬆呼吸的餘裕,看見自己豐盛的潛能,鬆動心智慣性或限制性信念,找回以心做出真實選擇的勇敢。
簡單來說,就我這而言,傳遞阿卡西紀錄的能量並非單方面、高姿態的傳訊指引。我作為管道引介的是一種雙向、尊重且平等的,與你的守護靈團隊在阿卡西紀錄能量場中的互動,因此傳遞的不只是訊息內容,還有更多超越語言的部分。您不需要「聽神明說的話」照章行事,過程中您的自由意志是最被尊重的。 -
兩種步調二選一:短版散步 45分鐘 $1485 /好好散步 90分鐘 $2950
如果是長期深遠的課題,或您已有探索經驗,推薦選擇好好散步。 -
Energy healing with Golden Flame Reiki, assisted by Archangels.
60-90 minutes, face-to-face or online.
The Golden Flame Reiki is directly channeled by from the Christ consciousness. It is a souce of steadfast supoprt and a path of light towards self-understanding.
Works on your physical, emotional and astral aspect at the same time. There might be messeges from the angels and the Christ consciousness during the process, and will be delivered to you.
Mindful Subconsciousness Journey & Meditation
Mindful Hypnosis, Mindful Meditation and Subconciousness Journey.
60-90 minutes, face-to-face or online.
Take a ride at your subconsciousness! Topic may be of your choice:
Get to know the habits of mind and explore its origin;
Get to know your true self, true desire;
Free yourself from the limits and conflicts of your mind;
Recognize other's influence on your subconsciousness;
Touch the untouchable parts of your mind with escort;
Look back at the past with a new aspect;
Anchor the vision of your future and reinforce its happening;
Affirm the power of free will and take back the decision for life...
My reliable partners in the Healing Sessions
Herbs and Plants:
Bach Flower Remedies/Oil essence/Herbal Tea/for Fire Ritual/Burning Incense/Crafting/Smelling/explore your senses in the Forest.... -
Crystals and healing stones.
Art (painting & crafting):
As a way of clearing the head, self-reflection and emotional relief. -
Oracle Cards:
Earth themed:
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds, Sacred Earth Oracle, The Endless Oracle, Slavic Legends Tarot, Atipaya Crystal and Floral Essence Cards, Flower Petals: Blossoming Guidance from the Garden. -
Femenine power themed:
Wild Kuan Yin Oracle, Kali Oracle, Goddesses and Sirens Oracle, The Divine Feminine Oracle, Ancient Feminine Wisdom of Goddesses and Heroines. -
Archangel Oracle Cards and Angel Therapy Oracle Cards.